How to change the acquisition program name field

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How to change the acquisition program name field

So, we've been cleaning up a database that had a number of leads imported without an acquisition program and essentially creating campaigns to trigger off the lead source. What is frustrating is that it appears you can change the Acquisition Program but not the Acquisition Program Name field in Marketo. Is there a way around this?
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Re: How to change the acquisition program name field

Hey Andrew,

Can you provide an example of what your are seeing? The Name field should reflect the newly changed Acquisition Program.
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Re: How to change the acquisition program name field

I am having the same problem.

In may case Acquisition Program was manually updated from blanks to the correct value, but Acquisition Program remains blank.

Was there ever a resolution on this?



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Re: How to change the acquisition program name field

Hey Phil,

I never heard back. Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing? And by manual, do you mean you used a flow step or typed it in the field?