Re: How to capture Search Engine/PPC info from emails

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How to capture Search Engine/PPC info from emails


I want to know if we are able to tag our email campaigns to tie into our PPC campaigns. In this instance, we are not using a Marketo landing page but driving to a separate microsite and running PPC campaigns separately.

In the emails and PPC campaigns, we have a link to the microsite where we have found people converting. We would like to know who is converting from the PPC and email. Is there a way to tag within in the email versus the landing page?

Thanks for the help!
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Re: How to capture Search Engine/PPC info from emails

Is your non-Marketo landing page using a Marketo form?  If so, you can add a query string parameter such as "utm_medium=Email" to the micorsite link in your emails.  You can then have a smart campaign triggered by a form submission with a constraint of "Querystring contains utm_medium=Email" that changes the status of an "email" program to "Converted".  You can do the same with your PPC ads.
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Re: How to capture Search Engine/PPC info from emails

Currently it is not using a Marketo form but has munchkin tracking. We are able to see the traffic come in, most which is anonymous. The site has analytics through Omniture and not sure how that would work exactly. I believe it was attempted before my time but there was some issue/reason for why it was not used.

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Re: How to capture Search Engine/PPC info from emails

Just got off the phone with Marketo support and looks like this is not supported. Thanks for your help Elliott!