Re: How long does it usually take to approve a segment?

Level 10

How long does it usually take to approve a segment?


I have created a "simple" (at least for me!) based on registrants of a past program. I have approved segment 4 hours ago and it's still running. I have refreshed my window, closed Marketo, etc. but status hasn't changed. How long does it usually take?

Cécile @ Talend
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Re: How long does it usually take to approve a segment?

Segments take a LONG time to approve. I won't think one like that should take 4+ hours though.
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Re: How long does it usually take to approve a segment?

Depends on the size of your database. That being a pretty big variable, there isn't a set amount of time for segments. When I create a new one, I do it at the end of the day so it is ready for use the next morning. 

Sorry I don't have more conrete answer for you.