Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Level 3

How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Hey everyone,

Just a quick question for the world out there: in the Advanced Reporting Module, when you run a Program Opportunity Analysis Report - how is the # of Opportunities Associated with Program data calculated? Obviously if pulls that in from SFDC, my question is does anyone know what it looks for in SFDC. I have a suspicion that when our organization creates opportunities we're not doing enough to tie them back to program/people etc...So if anyone knows what this looks for / what is needed in SFDC to make sure it's accurate it would be much appreciated.


Level 10

Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Hi Troy,

You should move your question to Products where it belongs. Champion Program​ is for questions about the program itself and very few people will see your question there.

The association is made using the "Opportunity Contact Role" SFDC table. If you are not using this standard table, for instance if you have some custom associations between contacts and opportunities, then Marketo will not see it.


Level 3

Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Thanks Gregorie.

Level 9

Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Just to add, if you need some help convincing your team to use contact roles, I have a high level powerpoint geared to a sales executive audience. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Why Sales Needs To Use Contact Roles

Level 3

Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Thanks Amanda.

Quick follow up question - and I could be making this up, but I thought there was a similar report that showed opportunities to programs but was able to be calculated without that field being filled. For example, it would run it based off the account, not the contacts. If such a thing doesn't exist then so be it, but I thought something like that was possible but I can't find it in Adv Reporting...

Level 10

Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Hi Troy,

No, this does not exist. Marketo uses only the opportunity contact role table.


Level 9

Re: How Is # Opportunities Associated with Program in Adv Reports Calculated

Hi Troy Larson​,

Exactly what Greg said. Even pulling a report or looking at campaign performance (the campaign tied to your program) it only registers the opportunity based on the contact being tied to the opportunity.