I gave Analytics access to a collegue but she cannot see the Settings and filters on the Email Performance report (on the right).
Any idea on what to do in order to give her this option?
Go to the smartlist tab of the email report
I have a few questions. Did you save the report in the Group reports? If it's in your private report folder that may be the problem. When you save reports they default into your private report folder which is set so people can't mess with reports that you reference frequently.
If that's not the issue, does she have different account privileges? I'd have your admin check out what privileges she has. Maybe she can't edit reports.
Hope one of those options works out!
If they have all Analytics permissions, it's also possible that they will need Lead Database permissions to filter the smart list of the report. I had a similar issue where I had to give people Design Studio permissions in order to be able to send a sample email from Marketing Activities. Sort of backwards, and sort of logical (in a weird, Marketo way)
That's a problem. When I give full Analytics permissions I assume that she can run report without seeing the Database.
Jamie Lewis any comment on that please?
The goal is to let her create and edit the report. So she have full Analytics access.