I appended the unsubscribe URL with a token - http://na-ab20.marketo.com/lp/650-ICO-425/TEST-2017-NursingCenter-Newsletter-Unsubscribe_NCAlert_NCe... - applied to both email unsubscribe URL as well as the smart list tab within the smart campaign (https://app-ab20.marketo.com/#SC8092A1) that has been munchkin-ed. This is the email marketo link: https://app-ab20.marketo.com/#EM6572A1LA1 and landing page of the unsubscribe URL - http://na-ab20.marketo.com/lp/650-ICO-425/TEST-2017-NursingCenter-Newsletter-Unsubscribe_NCAlert_NCe...
I sent the test email from the database as you see below (esanteliceswk@gmail.com)
The email address the email was sent to does not parse through with this token however is applied into the 'Campaign Members' section of the Smart Campaign -
Can you please advise if any missteps were made or if the token is incorrect to obtain the objective of having the email address pulled in the results and campaign members tab of this smart campaign?
We can't read private URLs on your Marketo instance or private images in your Gmail, so please edit your post.
It's also a lot more readable if you give links their own line.
Not really sure what you're asking, either... but maybe viewable images will help.