Re: How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

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How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

each of our leads has a "rep" (lead owner) field attached to it.  We have another field called "isRep" to show which of our records belongs to a rep (someone that owns leads).
I would like to send emails to all records where the lead owner's state is California.  How can I do that?

I do not want to add a lead owner state col. I am using this as an example. In reality  I will have other flows that set the status of a rep record 's column of sendClientEemails to yes or no.  So it is actually more like sending email to records where records' lead owner's  value of "sendClientEemails" email is "yes".


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

Right, this concept of a "join" ain't gonna happen -- they're just fields that happen to store the same value, not a relationship.

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

You can't filter leads by an arbitrary characteristic of another lead.

If I'm understanding your example, there's no real relationship between the leads, just a cosmetic coincidence where field rep on Lead A happens to have the same value as email on Lead B.

Level 1

Re: How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

I think you are correct... just to illustrate what I am trying to communicate.

I would like to only send an email to records that have  a rep with a record that has a field called sendemailstoclients checked yes.

So only Jan and Mark would get an email. Paul and Ben would not.

Jan and Mark have a repemail value of    repemail email joins to  email on id 2 . id 2's sendemailstoclients value is Yes.


1jan janjan@mail.compierreSDNO mark markmark@mail.com25
2mark markmark@mail.comStocketonCAYESYESmark markmark@mail.com25
3paul paulpaul@mail.comRenoNVYESNOben benben@mail.com47
4ben NO ben benben@mail.com47
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

Right, this concept of a "join" ain't gonna happen -- they're just fields that happen to store the same value, not a relationship.

Level 10

Re: How do I send email to all leads where lead owner 's state is CA

Do you have a 'Rep State' field.  The only way you could filter would be if you had that information on the lead record.  The other option would be to have a list of all the reps in CA, and then use those names/emails/ID's to create a Smart list 'Rep' contains (everyone is CA).