Re: How do I expose the Best Bets entity in Dynamics CRM 2011 to enable the Marketo Sales Insight Dashboard?

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How do I expose the Best Bets entity in Dynamics CRM 2011 to enable the Marketo Sales Insight Dashboard?


I have confirmed Marketo Sales Insight is fully installed in our Dynamics instance (followed steps in this article) but I cannot see the "Best Bets" option (as shown in step 2.1 in the linked article above) in the navigation nor can I find the Marketo Sales Insight Dashboard in Microsoft CRM 2011.  


- How do we expose the Best Bets navigation (right now all we see is called "Marketo Main Best Bets" in the navigation) to access the  Marketo Sales Insight Dashboard shown in the linked article above?

Thanks in advance!

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Marketo Employee

Re: How do I expose the Best Bets entity in Dynamics CRM 2011 to enable the Marketo Sales Insight Dashboard?

Hey Chris,

You may need to go to Settings>Solutions>Marketo Main Best Bets>Views then select each of the views and activate each of them.  They should then appear in the Sales view.
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Re: How do I expose the Best Bets entity in Dynamics CRM 2011 to enable the Marketo Sales Insight Dashboard?

Thanks Kenny.  All the views in the solution are 'Active' but I still can't see Best Bets views or dashboard as shown in the article unfortunately.