How do I create a multiple email referral form?

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How do I create a multiple email referral form?

We want to create a referal program where customers can refer multiple prospects and receive something in return. I need a landing page with a form that will allow the referer to enter multiple contact information that can be synced to SFDC. I reviewed the Create a Referral Offer and this seems more tailored to social sharing. Other discussions I've seen are a few years old and seem very complicated. I was hoping Marketo has developed a better solution. I'm fairly new to Marketo so would appreciate any help!
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Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Not sure about multiple contacts, but we built a fairly elegant solution for single referrals with Marketo and SFDC. If C = customer that referrers the lead, and L = the lead herself:
  • C submits information of L, C's information is stamped on a series of "referrer info" fields on L's record
  • cookies are removed from form so C isn't tracked as L
  • Marketo sends alert of submission
  • Marketo sends email to L for next steps
  • L is synced to Salesforce
  • Salesforce sends C a receipt of the submission - it's done in Salesforce because Salesforce workflow systems can send an email to another email field on L's address, and C's info is stamped there
Here is what the landing page looks like:
Level 2

Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Hey Charlie,

That sounds exactly like what we want to build as well! However, we keep having an issue whereby when C refers L, C becomes cookied as L so that all of C's actions go on L's activity log.

So how did you accomplish that second step "cookies are removed from form so C isn't tracked as L"...? We are using a Marketo form in an iframe on a non-Marketo page.

Thanks for any help!!

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Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Richard, you'll need to remove the snippet of code in the Marketo form that begins with

"<input type="hidden" name="_mkt_trk" value="id:033"

Not sure how the behavior works in an iframe, but you'll likely also need to remove the cookie from the iframed Marketo landing page. The snippet should be on the landing page template, so you'd probably want to clone it first. Snippet should look similar to the one in the form.

Note that this is definitely a hack so please test 🙂
Level 2

Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Great Charlie, thanks!

So remove the snippet from both the form AND the iframed landing page and see what happens.

We'll give it a shot!
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Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Yep, please let us know how it went.
Level 2

Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Hey Charlie,

So we were able to make it so the landing page is not being tracked anymore, but we can't figure out how to remove that hidden input from the form itself. Do you have any more info about exactly how to remove it from the form? The form doesn't appear to have that HTML editing capability from within the Marketo editor.

Thanks again for the help!

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Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Sure, the easiest way to do that would be to put the form onto a blank landing page, view that page in a browser, view the source code of that page, copy the form code onto an editor, take out the munchkin snippet, and copy the rest of the code onto your real landing page in a HTML box.
Level 2

Re: How do I create a multiple email referral form?

Hey Charlie,

Back again because I was wondering if you or anyone might have an idea about how to do this referral process with Forms 2.0. We'd like to switch our forms over to the new editor, but because forms are now getting put on our pages via an embed code, I'm not sure that the static HTML trick will work...

Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks so much!
