I've created a field in SFDC which is a Multi Pick List type.
I would like to be able to pick a different value every time I want and have the information kept in that field. However, what Marketo does instead, is striking the value with the new value and it doesn't keep the older one... Any suggestions?
Hi Yifat Danieli ,
You will have to separate the fields used for data entry on forms from the fields you use to store the data, that sync with the CRM. Then you will have to create the logic to exchange information between the 2 fields. For the later, the best it to use webhooks, that can implement a solid logic.
I'd be interested in learning more about your suggestion on Webhooks.
So if SFDC Picklist 1 contains A, B, and C as its available inputs, and Marketo shows that "A" has been input for SFDC Picklist 1 for a name in Marketo, but that person then fills out a form with "B" as a hidden input for SFDC Picklist 1, how can Webhooks be incorporated so that SFDC Picklist 1 shows as A; B in Marketo rather than simply overwriting to B alone?
You don't need a webhook to only append. Just use Change Data Value, using 2 fields: LastInterests (shown on the form) and AllCurrentInterests (the master list managed in your flow).
Webhooks are necessary to dedupe and prune (remove individual values).
In addition to Greg's point, bear in mind that what you're calling a "multi pick list type" isn't really a form input type, it's a server behavior. It's independent of what widget appears on the form.
A "multi-select picklist", a.k.a. <select multiple> is a form input type. It allows the end user to choose multiple values at the same time. But that doesn't change the way it behaves with regard to already-stored values. If you have a multi-select picklist on a form and you don't pre-fill it by loading existing values from the server, then it must overwrite the entire stored value on the server (since it's just stored as a semicolon-delimited string). You haven't given it any instructions to the contrary.
Using a webhook like Greg mentions allows you to intelligently manage and dedupe those semicolon-delimited strings.