Hello! I hope this is an easy question to answer, but we're having a lot of trouble in our nurture stream. We used a program template provided by our on-boarding consultant that has nested email programs within the engagement program. The issue is the template doesn't seem to be complete as it adds a person to the overall engagement program, but then doesn't add the person to the first nested email program. I'm having a lot of trouble determining how to make that a second flow step within my first "add to nurture" campaign. Can anyone assist with this? It seems simple enough but I can't seem to get any tests to work.
A couple of questions:
Are you adding these people to a stream within the nurture?
Are the nested campaigns activated in the streams themselves?
Do you have the stream cadence set and active as well?
Hi Chris!
1. We are added to a stream within the overall nurture stream via the first flow step of "add to engagement program"
2. The nested campaigns are activated.
3. The stream cadence is set and active.
The issue seems to be that I need to add the person to the first nested program but there's no flow step of "add to program" available.
When you use nested programs (default programs, not "email programs", which are not supported in EPs) in an EP, you add the "send email" smart campaign to the actual stream. You don't add the email asset like you would do when you're using a simple EP containing just a bunch of emails. As long as you have EP members added to a stream, you're set. You don't also add members to the nested programs. Leads will become members of those nested programs when they engage with the emails in those program (e.g., clicking on a link); and I believe there's even some "hidden" member status that prevents them from receiving the same email again within that program as part of future casts (which is how leads don't receive the same email that they were already sent within nested programs).
If you also added leads as members of the nested programs (in addition to the EP/streams), they would never receive anything since that's what Marketo uses (program membership) to determine if someone qualifies for an email during each cast. If they're already members, they skip to the next program for which they qualify.
Adding a Program to an Engagement Program Stream - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation