Re: How are attendees from a webinar we host updated and scored as attending?

Not applicable

How are attendees from a webinar we host updated and scored as attending?

Very new to Marketo...never sent an email yet!
We host webinars throughout the year and would like to know how those attendees get into Marketo as actually attending a webinar for scoring purposes? Is a list we download, or counted when they click the link to join the webinar--it's through WebEx?   
Not applicable

Re: How are attendees from a webinar we host updated and scored as attending?

Marketo supports Webex and GoToWenonar among other webinar providers.

In Marketo the event object allows you to define the provider and then landing pages and triggers to manage the participants.

A very minimalist flow is: enter the credentials in Admin, create the event in Marketing Activities, define a form and lnding page and then triggers to set the progression status.

You can import lists if needed.

The deep dive is an excellent reference to help you getting the first integration off the ground.

I am happy to share ideas and suggestions if something remains unclear.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How are attendees from a webinar we host updated and scored as attending?

Hi Lisa,

OK, there's a bunch of things you will need to do.

First, read the instructions around using the event adapter for Webex:

This is a large topic which we have lots of doco around on here, but basically you need the following steps:
- Set up the event adapter
- Build a webinar program
- Build a registration page
- Build all the communication emails you need
- Set up a smart campaign to trigger registration handling (form fillouts) and to issue confirmation emails. You might also need smart campaigns for reminders before the webinar for registrants
- Use triggers in a smart campaign under the program to update program statuses (ie, registered) and scoring (ie, registration = xx points)

You'll find some good help here in the Marketo deep dive for events - just scroll down and read the topics around webinars:

Hope that helps
