Good afternoon all.
I've seen a few discussions around horizontal radio button layouts with labels in various positions but I've yet to come across a universal and well explained answer.
What I would like to achieve is a set of radio buttons that are arranged horizontally with the labels either above or below each button (un-decided yet), with the buttons equidistantly spaced.
I'm presuming this can be done with some custom CSS in the form itself, but my fiddling hasn't gotten me where I want.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Hi Jo Pitts,
I'm guessing its something like this you are trying to do?
I haven't seen this done in Marketo myself. What is the use case? Is there no way you could embed a survey using something like Qualtrics are Survey Monkey. This can be achieved in seconds using those.
The basic HTML layout of radio buttons is
<div ...
There is no wrapper arounf each couple of input+label, which will make it a little difficult without some JS to do it. Sanford Whiteman will be the guru for this.
Once the wrappers are added, it becomes a mere CSS exercise.
Start from here: MktoForms2 :: Radios - Horizontal