Hide embedded lightbox form if known lead returns to page

Level 1

Hide embedded lightbox form if known lead returns to page

Hello, I've got an embedded lightbox form on our website that I'm trying to hide when someone who has already filled it out comes back to the page. This "someone" could be a know lead (customer) or someone new coming from inbound efforts.

I've managed to hide the form on page after being submitted, and display a custom message in place of the form once submitted so I don't have to redirect to a TY page...but I'd love to be able to hide this form when people who have already submitted it come back to watch a live stream of an upcoming event they registered for. At the moment, when the form is submitted and the end user stays on page everything is hunky dory...but they'll have to come back to this page in a few days time when we stream the event and the form pops up again.

Sanford Whiteman - here is a link back to the previous post I thought might be a solution to this: https://nation.marketo.com/message/209711-re-hide-lightbox-form-after-submission?et=watches.email.th...

I'd welcome any comments from the community.

Thanks in advance!


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Hide embedded lightbox form if known lead returns to page

The easiest angle on this is to hide the form by default, then check for the presence of the default Not You? link. If the link is there, the person is a Known Visitor (since you're not intending to show KV HTML at all, this will suffice -- if you were editing the KV HTML you'd need something more complex).

As in: MktoForms2 :: Lightbox if Anonymous