HELP! Board Presentation tomorrow...

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HELP! Board Presentation tomorrow...

Can someone answer this question? We are new to Marketo and still don't have a full understanding on how the tracking begins on our website. We are using the munchkin code. We currently have a CRM including names and email addresses. If we send an email to this list through Marketo and they open it, will we be able to track them online? they have to fill out a form first? HELP! I need to be able to communicate this intelligently tomorrow to our board.

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Re: HELP! Board Presentation tomorrow...

Leads will go from Anonymous to Known when they fill out a form or click on (not just open) an email. These two actions give Marketo the information it needs to match the two records (anonymous lead and the email/name record in your CRM). 

After that happens, any Munchkin-enabled page that they visit will be trackable. Until then, their activity will be logged on the Anonymous record. 

Good luck tomorrow!
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Re: HELP! Board Presentation tomorrow...

My understanding is that their machines need to be cookied. For this, they need to go to a page with Munchkin code (or a Marketo LP). They can do this through clicking through an email.
Once their machine is cookied, you will know where they go on your website (assuming the page has munchkin code on it, if a page does not, you won’t be able to track their movements on that page). Once they fill out a form, you will know who they are and associate that with their web behavior. Before they fill out a form, it appears as anonymous website activity.
Hope this helps!