Re: Has anyone successfully set up a subscription center based on email frequency?

Level 3

Has anyone successfully set up a subscription center based on email frequency?

I like the idea of the subscription center based on what type of emails someone would prefer to receive, but for our business model, it wouldn't have much of an impact. It would be far more useful for us to be able to give a person the option of number of emails they would like to receive. For example, the user will be taken to a form with a choice of 1) receive all marketing emails we send 2) once a week 3) bi-monthly 4) once a month or 5) unsubscribe from all. I had even gone so far as to create custom fields for 1-4, a form with radio buttons, a landing page for the subscription form, and confirmation landing pages for each choice. I'm sort of stuck at this point. The more I read about setting up a subscription center based on email type, I begin to lose sight of what I would rather accomplish; and the solution becomes muddy.

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Re: Has anyone successfully set up a subscription center based on email frequency?

I've never set this up but I believe you could handle this was a couple separate triggered smart lists with email suspensions and a wait step in the flow.

Something like:


And then the additional criteria will be the various preferences you have selected.  The status, number of emails and activity dates will need to be adjusted for each one.

Then the flow something like:


Where the wait step is adjusted based on the preference.

Again, have never done this but that is the way I'd go about it knowing what I know.

If nothing else I hope this gets you thinking of other possibilities.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Has anyone successfully set up a subscription center based on email frequency?

How about different streams within an engagement program that (if it makes sense) have the same content but different cadences. If someone fills out the form and says they'd like to receive content once a week, add them to the weekly stream. If they'd like to receive content once a month, add them to the monthly stream, etc.

For example:


If your form has a field called, say, "Email Cadence", and the new value is changed to All, Weekly, Monthly, or Bi-Monthly in the form, then the transition trigger will include

     Data Value Changes -> Attribute is Email Cadence, New Value is [enter appropriate new value here based on form options]

Then for all your email blasts/other outreach, include a filter for "Email Cadence = All" so that you don't accidentally email people who said they only want to be emailed Bi-Monthly.

If you want those people to receive the email blasts in the future, you can always pause nurture cadences for the next cast(s) so you don't over-email your audiences.

Level 10

Re: Has anyone successfully set up a subscription center based on email frequency?

I agree with both Rachel Noble​ & Josh Hampleman​'s suggestions for the most part - either option could work for you, depending on how your organisation's comms are typically structured.

I'd be interested in hearing more about whether you mostly use Engagement Programs for your comms, or whether many of your comms are batch blast Email Programs. Rachel's solution will likely be your best solution if you use engagement programs, while Josh's might be better if you're not.

One thing to consider regarding the marketing suspend solution is that it's probably going to be harder to control the priority of which comms the customer receives - e.g. if you send a minor product update on Tuesday but have a major product release on Thursday, you may want to make sure the second email is the one they receive. So there may be some thinking necessary around how this is fronted to the customer (i.e. setting their expectations regarding which type of comms this choice applies to), and how you structure the program build to best suit your comms requirements.