Re: Has anyone had an issue with Data Value Changes Trigger not working for a custom field and Filled Out Form filter not working?

Level 7

Has anyone had an issue with Data Value Changes Trigger not working for a custom field and Filled Out Form filter not working?

Hi All,


I have never had an issue with this before.  I am just wondering if someone could shed some light on this.


Both of these are used in a Smart Campaign Smart List:

1. Has anyone had an issue with Data Value Changes Trigger not working for a custom field?  If so, how did you solve it?

2. Has anyone had an issue with Filled Out Form filter using a nested program form not work?  If so, how did you solve it?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Has anyone had an issue with Data Value Changes Trigger not working for a custom field and Filled Out Form filter not working?

Yes, we identified this issue (Issue 1 above) back on October 14 and opened a support case up immediately.  They are still troubleshooting it.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Has anyone had an issue with Data Value Changes Trigger not working for a custom field and Filled Out Form filter not working?

To further clarify, the values are indeed populating the lead records.  This issue is that activity is not contained anywhere within the RESULTS tab or the ACTIVITY LOG.