Re: Hardbounce category?

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Hardbounce category?

Not sure if you are familiar that for hardbounces we can run a smartlist based on Category 1 or 2.

I had a scenario where my hardbounce list was 187.

When I ran the smart list based on the email My results were :

1.Hardbounce Category 1 = Spam blocks , Email Suspended = 157
2.Hardbounce Category 2 = Bad Address , Email Invalid = 30

What confuses me is when I ran the same email with
Hardbounce constrain = Category is not equal to 1 0r 2

It gives me 187 as the result.

Can someone explain whay this is so ?


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Re: Hardbounce category?

Hello Bamah,

How did you enter "1 or 2" in the smart list filter? You should use the multi-select tool by clicking on the plus sign in the corner of the category entry box. This will bring up a dialog box where you can select both values for 1 and 2. If you just type into the box "1 or 2", then the filter will look for the single value of (1 or 2) rather than each individual value of (1) or (2). Does that make sense? Since no bounces have the category (1 or 2), searching to find everything that isn't this category will return your whole list of bounces.