Re: Handling Contacts and Leads

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Handling Contacts and Leads

Hi everyone,

Wondering if you can help me out in organising our lead/contact better.

We have built a registration process within Salesforce and their customer portal. Currently the way this works is a customer registers with us and an Account/Contact/Opportunity are created. We also create a Lead that has a custom lookup relationship to the Account created.
The reason we do this is so that the sales rep still has to qualify a lead and it follows the same process as if the customer just filled in a contact form. 
The issue that we have noticed is that this creates two separate people/leads in Marketo. The Munchkin cookie is then only associated with the Contact, even if we call the synclead api method with the lead.

This means none of the activity associated with customer is attached to the lead, just the contact.

Any thoughts on how we can manage this better?



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Re: Handling Contacts and Leads

Hi Jason,
Just to clarify, you would like to have a contact and a lead in SFDC but only one lead in Marketo? Or is the duplicate lead independent from SFDC?

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Re: Handling Contacts and Leads

Hi Will,

Ideally I would want a contact and a lead in SFDC and only one lead in Marketo.

Then have the activity of the user tracked in Marketo and put into the Contact/Lead Marketo Insight.


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Re: Handling Contacts and Leads

Any advise on this?
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Re: Handling Contacts and Leads

Hi Jason,
I think the only way to do this would be to someone hide the contact or the lead (whichever you prefer) from the Marketo Sync user. Then, you would only have one lead/contact in Marketo but two if SFDC. The activity from the lead/contact in Marketo would not transfer to both leads in SFDC but one of them would have it.

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Re: Handling Contacts and Leads

At this point we have decided that our online join does not create a lead - just the opportunity