Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

Level 10

GUI bugs with Winter'17

Hi all,

European customer have the privilege to usually get new version 24h ahead of the rest of the word. So I have the privilege to discover new bugs. Such as this one on Chrome (OS X and Windows 10, where the footer of the program summary page displays in the middle of the screen, hiding the statuses:



Level 10

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

I can confirm this bug is now appearing on Ashburn and San Jose instances.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

Are we sure this is a bug and not a "feature" - like eventually there's something that will eventually appear in the bottom half of this window (now that there are scroll bars for the top half)?  Regardless, it's definitely "getting in the way" now.

Level 10

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

Gives me the desire to hit someone When I discovered it, on the first glance, I simply had the impression the member count by status was just gone.


Level 5 - Champion Alumni

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

This is driving me insane today - SO much scrolling! Do you have any word from support as to when it will be fixed please? I can log too if you feel it would help

Not applicable

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

There is another issue I've logged this morning - are you seeing the same, that when you drag and drop something to a folder, for example a landing page, the page disappears and you need to refresh your browser to get it visible again (although in the new place, so that part is still working)?

Level 5 - Champion Alumni

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

Argh yes!! Can you log that one please Sal?

Not applicable

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

All done, hopefully it can be resolved soon as well, as it's really irritating!

Not applicable

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

If anyone has tampermonkey or any other chrome extension similar, here is temporary local fix. Yes, it bothers me that much. Here is the css:

.mkt-carbolt .mktCampaignSummaryManager .chartToolbar > .x-panel-bwrap > .x-panel-body {overflow: visible !important;}

.mkt-carbolt .mktCampaignSummaryManager .chartToolbar > .x-panel-bwrap > .x-panel-bbar {position: absolute !important; bottom: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; right: 0 !important;}

Again, just a local browser fix for those who hate seeing the floating footer while marketo fixes the issue.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: GUI bug with Winter'17 on Chrome

Can we remove "Chrome" from the title of the this?  We're experiencing these bugs on Firefox as well.  Haven't tested IE and Safari.