Does GTW use the Marketo lead ID as the unique identifier when updating a lead's status to "attended"? The reason I'm asking is it's unclear how GTW will handle the update if/when a duplicate record exists. If it solely updates based on email address, there's a chance it could update the wrong record in Marketo.
Hey Dan, I can't be 100% sure, but I know we have a stupid amount of duplication (project in place to fix) and I've never seen people getting stuck in a registered status, and new people moving into an attended status. We ensure everyone moves to either no show or attended after each webinar, and I think if it could randomly pick which of the duplicate email addresses attended, then we'd see people getting stuck in the registered status.
But I'd love a sure answer as well!
I agree. Never seen this happen. The email deduping happens on the Marketo side, which is where you would have this issue. Once the lead is chosen, GTW should look at email and Marketo ID to sync. There might be a backend thing that maps the unique GTW ID#.
Marketo may also look at Program Member Status.