We have multiple instances coming up on our marketing activities schedule that will need to utilize the same landing pages and emails. I understand we could use segments for dynamic content, however we are in the middle of a large database cleanup so I'm hesitant to establish these segments without feeling super confident on the accuracy of our data.
So that leads me to my question. Is it recommended, for reporting purposes, for each program to have it's own local email and LP assets? There have been examples, where I have asked our team to put a global LP in the design studio and then just choose that URL to direct people after a form fill out (example: webinar on demand LP). The out of the box LP report doesn't allow for flexibility in the parameters, such as email "not contains". So my thinking is that smart list could be run for program members that visit certain web pages and then filled out a global from that we use for content to get our own conversions.
I'm just interested in how other Marketo users have tackled this problem. I'd rather get ahead and provide my team some direction versus having 1 off scenarios at the program level.
Thank you!
Hi Christine,
One of the points to factor in your question is the use of tokens. If your LP needs to use a {{my.token}} and the LP is not hosted in the program, the token will not render.
I usually prefer:
But this is not an absolute rule.
Great, thank you Greg!
That is helpful as I am not only trying to understand the impact on reporting, I'm trying to make sure we don't have too many different variations of the same landing pages and emails.