Here's a list to help you find 'Marketo Purple' around the Moscone Center and San Francisco:
To find your way around the Moscone Center (and the neighborhood), the Events team created a great infographic
To find all the great parties in SF
To identify who are the 50 most influential people at the Summit
To follow the events real time, use this Hashtag on Twitter: #MKTGNATION14
To find some purple clothes, check out the Marketo Marketplace at the Moscone Center (see below)
I have already started looking for Purple ----
During my tour around the building I ran into a true Champion, Mark Townsend, who was very proud of his new hat. In fact, I saw him again eight hours later and he was still wearing it.... And he said he is never taking it off.
In case you missed it, here's Phil's intro blog post about the event:
Big day tomorrow. Don't forget to wear Purple