In this case, a deleted article was not purged from the search index. It therefore showed up in search, but the page doesn't exist anymore. If you see more of that, you can email and we will fix the problem.
Why do we delete articles?
Usually the answer is that the content is just wrong/misleading. Sometimes it is so poorly written that hardly anyone would understand what it was saying.
The docsteam has been working hard over the last year to document the product visually with good examples and language. There are still articles we need to rewrite and also some that we need to get rid of. We are not trying to hide information, but we want the information we publish to be high quality.
I hope this helps clarify.
Well firstly, I'd really like to actually see the content from this particular, now 'deleted' article!
Secondly, we need more best practice specific examples using either Marketo's own implementations or clients vs generic 'how to' articles.
Thirdly, I'm getting to these now 'deleted' articles both through search and embedded links in other community articles.