Re: Get Leads by Program ID - Pull incremental program members?

Level 1

Get Leads by Program ID - Pull incremental program members?



I've noticed that other endpoints have "earliestUpdatedAt" and "latestUpdatedAt" filter parameters, which allow for pulling incremental records rather than all records inception-to-date. Is there a reason why there is not similar functionality for the Get Leads by Program ID endpoint?


Currently, I have to re-pull all program members for all current/active programs each day - I'd rather just pull any new/updated records.





Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Get Leads by Program ID - Pull incremental program members?

Program membership is a (direct) property of the Program, not of the Lead.


The "UpdatedAt" filters offered elsewhere relate to the last update to a Lead. The Lead's membership in a program would not be reflected as an update - and if it were, the results from this endpoint would be immensely confusing, because other updates at the Lead level would result in them appearing to be "updated" w/r/t Program membership.

Level 1

Re: Get Leads by Program ID - Pull incremental program members?

Thanks for your response - maybe my question wasn't clear enough.


To clarify, I'm not looking to pull program membership leads based on the time the lead record was updated. I'm asking to pull program membership leads based on when they became program members.


For example:

  • I query this morning and get 100 program members
  • This afternoon 10 more leads become program members
  • I query again tomorrow - I get 110 program members

It would be great to be able to pass a filter parameter to the endpoint just get the delta - the 10 program members since the last lead program membership date.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Get Leads by Program ID - Pull incremental program members?

Thanks for your response - maybe my question wasn't clear enough.


To clarify, I'm not looking to pull program membership leads based on the time the lead record was updated. I

You were clear, but there's no such filter.  Updates to the members of a program aren't updates to the program itself (and not even all updates to program metadata are registered as program updates).