Get Archived Activities

Not applicable

Get Archived Activities


I noticed, by using the getLeadActivities SOAP method that it does not return the archived activities.

I'm building a reporting mechanism, in which I need that data too.

How can I obtain that information? If that is available through the marketo web application I'dd say it would be possible to extract them?

Can the getLeadActivities SOAP method work in a way that it returns archived activities or is it possible to execute any other kind of extraction (ex: database dump, etc.)

Thank you in advance.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Get Archived Activities

Right, since they are archived, you can't see them in the interface or API.

You can opt out of archiving by contacting support.

Not applicable

Re: Get Archived Activities

First of all thank you for you response.

When you say Opt Out of archiving would that allow me to access currently archived data? Or only future data?

Do you have an idea on the extra cost for this?
