From Salesforce, how do I view all insteresting moments for a lead/contact?

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From Salesforce, how do I view all insteresting moments for a lead/contact?

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to view all interesting moments for a given lead or contact in Salesforce?  I looked at the other discussion posts and they aren't quite what I want.

As a work around for now, I have set field history tracking on the Last Interesting Moment Fields.   This will show up in the lead or contact history related list.   I think I can create a report on these per lead with a salesforce report, but I have not tried that yet.

I'm curious if anyone else has found a solution.

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Re: From Salesforce, how do I view all insteresting moments for a lead/contact?

Hi Tom.

What date you like to get? from a single person or more leads insteresting momements?

  • For a single person its pretty easy you just go in the activity log and Seach for Insteresting,
    • Then all things pop up you can export this data from MKTO to CSV.
  • Another option to to get it from the Soap API where you take some emeail adrees and Export this.
  • Last option is to use Webhook in the Interesting moment. Where you have a small application that collect this data.
There is probelly more solution to get the data you are after.
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Re: From Salesforce, how do I view all insteresting moments for a lead/contact?

I'm looking to get the information for a single person.  I would also like to just view it in Salesforce since my sales folks do not have access to Marketo.

I think the webhook might be a good option.   I'll see if my sales folks are okay with just looking in the leads/contact history.