Re: forward to a friend link truncating on the text version

Level 10

forward to a friend link truncating on the text version

Anyone else experiencing this problem?  This wasn't a problem before.  When I send the test broadcast this is how it's getting cut off at the end of the link: 


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Re: forward to a friend link truncating on the text version

When I send an email with a F2F link, the "mkt_tok=" parameter fully populates.  Are you using the Send Email flow action to send it or the Send Test function associated with the email itself.  If the later, tokens are not populated when you use that function.
Level 10

Re: forward to a friend link truncating on the text version

Hi Elliott,

I did the Send Test function and I checked some of my old text versions of my proofs (surprisingly I haven't cleaned my deleted emails), but the link wasn't truncated and the F2F link works.  So I might have to contact support.