
Not applicable


Is there a way I can be notified via email when someone fills out a form?
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Re: Forms

Yes and it is easy too!  Create a Smart Campaign using the trigger "Fills out Form" on the Smart List.  It can be for a particular form or any form, hit the drop down to pick. 0EM50000000RKt0.jpg

Then move to the Flow tab.  Select the “Send Alert” step from the window on the right and drag it to the canvas.  Open the pick list  in the flow step that is now sitting in the canvas, select an Alert/or another email then fill in the recipients email address.  Lastly activate the Smart Campaign and you are in business.   Test it out by filling in the form yourself. -Enjoy!
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Re: Forms

Hi.. Thank you for your response.. However, I don't see how this will give me the information I need. I want to know who filled out the form, but there's no email associated to alert me.. the form is on a landing page. Does that make sense? I want their to be a way that I can be alerted via email of what exactly what filled out on the form..
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Re: Forms

Hi Colleen,

What you can do is setup the email template to include whatever information you need from the form.

For example, I have a 'Group Sales Request' Template that alerts our Group Sales Manager and Myself whena prospect fill out our Group Sales Form.

Here is a shot at my email template:


Just setup the Alert Email to specific the Fields on your Form and set the 'Sent To' portion as yourself.

Let me know if you need help!


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Re: Forms


You could either 1) build an alert email that contains tokens for the fields that you expect the lead to fill out in the form, or 2) add a link in the alert email that takes you to their lead record in Marketo, where you should also be able to see via the Activity Log what fields they filled out.

For 1), you could build an alert email that looked like, for example: 

Email Address: {{lead.Email Address:default=edit me}}

etc. for the various fields you expect the lead to fill out.

To insert a link in the alert email to the lead's record in Marketo, you can use the special token:

this inserts a special section that links to the lead record, which will look like:

Lead: Amelia Lin
Campaign: LP.01 - Fills Out Form
Time: Dec 17, 2013 12:57 am PST
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Re: Forms

Thank you both for your help... I have created an email with these token fields but when i went to approve the email it says "error:token fields are not found."

I'm confused as to why it won't let this alert email to be approved now?
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Re: Forms

Hm, that is very odd. The Email Address field should come out of the box with Marketo, and the other one is a special field that should also exist by default. Mind posting a screenshot of your draft email?
Not applicable

Re: Forms

This literally is the only text in the email... Do I need something more?

UG Irvine Form

{{lead.First Name:default=edit me}}

{{lead.Last Name:default=edit me}}

{{lead.Company:default=edit me}}

{{lead.Job Title:default=edit me}}

{{lead.Phone Number:default=edit me}}

{{lead.Email Address:default=edit me}}

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Re: Forms

Make sure the tokens match the same fields your Form uses.

Not sure if you used tokens anywhere else in your email but make sure token is correct in the From Name/Email/Reply-To or Subject if used there.
Level 4

Re: Forms

I think it is {{lead.Phone:default=edit me}} and not Phone Number.  Make sure you use the Token Editor.

If you are still having issues, please feel free to contact Support.