forms 2.0 Really that easy?

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forms 2.0 Really that easy?

So is it really that easy to embed a marketo form on a non-marketo page and have the info flow into marketo by just pulling the code and plopping on the page???
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Re: forms 2.0 Really that easy?

Hey Erin, it wasn't for me. I'm having issues with this as my CMS master page template already has a <form> code on it, so the marketo forms don't show up. i still have to go back to the iframe which leaves me stuck with scroll bars on my page.
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Re: forms 2.0 Really that easy?

Brooke, you can add scrolling="no" to your iframe tag to prevent that.

For some people, Forms 2.0 are working beautifully, others are having issues. I know Marketo support and product development are listening closely for feedback.
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Re: forms 2.0 Really that easy?

Thanks Jason, marketo help were kind enough to send through the solution to my iframe issue - 

<iframe src="insert landing page URL here" width="350" height="500" scrolling = "no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Re: forms 2.0 Really that easy?

I'd like to provide the basic form code to my designs, and allow them to customize it's look and feel while putting it on a landing page not hosted through Marketo.

Unfortunately, I don't see that option. It appears the "embed" code calls the form entirely from Marketo, meaning that i'm stuck with the design I created in the editor.

Is there a workaround i'm missing? Thanks in advance.