Form Views and Conversions for a Lightboxed Form on Webpage

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Form Views and Conversions for a Lightboxed Form on Webpage


Is there a way to track the views of a lightboxed form (or how many times the lightbox action is triggered) which is currently on our website? We are interested in seeing how our conversion rates change with implementing this lightbox feature instead of pushing the person taking action to a marketo landing page with a form. I looked in the Analytics for a report for this but could not find anything. 

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Views and Conversions for a Lightboxed Form on Webpage

Good question. If you wanted to track the number of people who opened the lightbox (as a superset of those who opened it and filled out the form) I would use a manual Munchkin `clickLink` action.

Or if you only care if they filled it out, then just use a hidden field that gets populated like `usedLightbox`=true.
Marketo Employee

Re: Form Views and Conversions for a Lightboxed Form on Webpage

As Sanford suggested, logging a custom munchkin event is probably the best way to go about this.  You'll probably want to use the onFormRender method to do a callback when the form is made visible(
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Re: Form Views and Conversions for a Lightboxed Form on Webpage

Thanks, that is a great suggestion. Could you show me an example of the actual code we need to implement on the backend of our site to setup the custom munchkin event?

Also, once that is setup how do you pulled data for the munchkin event? Is there a filter you can drag in on a smart list?