Re: Form Theme Creation

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Form Theme Creation

I would like to clone a current theme and then customize the css. 

I would then like to use that theme across my forms - select if from the theme selector.

What I have found is that I have to edit each form theme and add my custom css.

What am I missing? Do I embed the styles at the template level rather than within a theme???
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Form Theme Creation

I would love to see this capability and certainly worthwhile for you to turn this into an Idea!
Not applicable

Re: Form Theme Creation

HI Josh,

As of right now, you do have to add your custom CSS to each form you created, unless you are cloning from a form that already has the CSS in it.  Another way you could do it, as you mentioned above, is to add it at the template level.  If you go that route, then I would suggest styling all the different types of form elements, that way you wouldn't have to go back and add styling for different types of form fields used on various forms.