Re: Form on mobile apps

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Form on mobile apps

I was wondering if it's possible to have a form in a mobile app push leads and associated field data over to Marketo.  The obvious solution would be to have a button that would take leads to a Marketo landing page optimized for mobile with the form on it, but our developers do not want the leads leaving the app to go to a Marketo LP.

Is it possible to use the SOAP API with the form that we already have incorporated in the mobile app so that leads are synced over to Marketo? 

Currently the form just automates an email to the sales team with the form data.  We'd like to have this information in Marketo so that marketing can take ownership of the lead processing.  Any suggestions or experience dealing with forms on a mobile app would be much appreciated.

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Re: Form on mobile apps

They should be able to do this using the method described in this article.  Using Marketo forms on non-Marketo pages
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Re: Form on mobile apps

Thanks for the article!  I'll see if this will work for the app developers. 

I know that most people use iframes to embed a marketo landing page w/form onto an outside webpage or use SOAP API calls on an exisiting form, but I wasn't sure if either would be appropriate or work on a mobile app since I'm not really familiar with how apps are built.
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Re: Form on mobile apps

@Lan, you could do this by using TapTarget for Marketo (see TapTarget is a mobile marketing automation platform, this means you integrate a small snipped of code in your app, and TapTarget will then start capturing app activity in your app and send it to Marketo.

You can choose what to capture, for example only fields that have been filled out in your native mobile app. TapTarget will sync these fields to Marketo, creating new leads or merging with your existing leads.

