Re: Font size of Marketo emails in Gmail on mobile phone

Level 2

Font size of Marketo emails in Gmail on mobile phone

When our Marketo emails are viewed in Gmail on a mobile phone, the font appears tiny...much smaller than what we have set as the font size.

Any thoughts on how to fix this issue?

Thank you.

Level 10

Re: Font size of Marketo emails in Gmail on mobile phone

Hi Trevor,

Your template might be the culprit here. No obvious way to fix that except fixing the template in the first place. Sorry for the bad news

But another issue is that even the best templates in the world cannot make and email "mobile first responsive" on older versions of Android. On these older version, the best you can have is a "zoom out" that fits the email to the width of the screen and makes everything very small. The most recent version of Android support Media queries and can be rendered as well as what you can get on IOS.

What mobile OS and what version of it are you observing the behaviour ? Have you run a test on Litmus or EmailOnAcid ?


Level 2

Re: Font size of Marketo emails in Gmail on mobile phone

Thank you. I've been viewing the emails on a Samsung Galaxy S7 running Android 7.0 (Nougat).

Will also look into Litmus and EmailonAcid.

Level 10

Re: Font size of Marketo emails in Gmail on mobile phone

Hi Trevor,

This is a recent version, that supports media queries, so Android version is not in question.

That leaves you template or your email, lamenting the code itself.

Are you using a Marketo template or have you pasted some code developed outside ?

If a template, is iy a starter one ? If so, which one ? Or is it a template from somewhere else ?


Level 2

Re: Font size of Marketo emails in Gmail on mobile phone

It was a starter template Marketo provided for us. We will start looking at different templates to see if that helps. Thanks for your input!