Filtering Leads from Massive List of Domains

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Filtering Leads from Massive List of Domains

Here's the challenge:
We currently have a subset of prospects we do not want to move through the funnel. The alternative to adding new fields to our forms to filter for these folks, is to have a campaign on the backend listen for folks containing a specific domain in their email address. 

We have all 80,000 domains we want to filter new leads through. The campaign would tag them on a specific field so they can be tracked through our lead management process. 

Due to the large volume of data, how do you suggest we manage this process? APIs? Webhooks?


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Filtering Leads from Massive List of Domains

Webhooks may work best as you can have only 2499 lines in a smart list filter. So when a lead comes through, it calls the webhook, checks against list, then says "OK=TRUE" or "OK = FALSE" so the MQL flow is then triggered if TRUE.