Filtering bad emails from web forms

Level 4

Filtering bad emails from web forms

Hi all, 

We ar ea nonprofit, and have approx. 20 forms on our website for people to pledge and petition. We are also manually transferring data between MKTO and Raiser's Edge. (Fun, right? Who wants a job?!).

We are getting people mispell their email address, or even give totally fake/invalid entries, but my initial smart lists in the programs are not catching these. MKTO is sending emails to ggmaill.comm as an example, this data is going to a master list of people to export from MKTO and import into RE. Becasue we are doing it manually it is difficult to look at every email address to see if it is formatted properly. 

Can someone tell me if:

I have a TY email sent form the form; (a campaign is requested flow). If I add to the flow [Wait] 1 day, then [Choice] if email is invalid/bounced/soft bounce and add them to a catch-all bad email address list, is that the best way of doing this? i.e. form by form?

ALso - why didn't it work when I tested it with @gmail.ccomm? (the activity log of the test entry said soft bounce, but it skipped all the choices and did nothing).

Thanks all!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Filtering bad emails from web forms

Doesn't sound like a reason to Wait for a bounce. Trigger on the bounce. Export people who haven't bounced and were created N days ago.

Level 4

Re: Filtering bad emails from web forms

Sounds simple. Thanks.