Filter a Program Report by country

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Filter a Program Report by country

we just run a webinar and had attendees in multiple countries. We now want a Program Report for this webinar, but we would like to filter per country. Is there any way to do so?
Thank you
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Level 10

Re: Filter a Program Report by country

Hi Jose, do you want all of the attendees organized by country? Or do you want just a report of attendees from a specific country?

If it's the first, you can look at all members of the program and make sure that you have Country as a field in the display, and then sort by this field.

If it's the second, you can use a Program Performance report, and add a filter of Country.
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Re: Filter a Program Report by country

No, in fact we don't need the list, we just need to know how each webinar, for example, performed, based on the stages set in the Webinar Channel.
Here is an example:

I this case, we have 3 webinars and in this report you can see how many leads are in each stage of the webinar channel. But I want to filter this report by country. But when you go to set up, you don't have the option to filter by country.

Is it possible?
Level 10

Re: Filter a Program Report by country

Hm.. I would have thought so, but these reports can be limiting. Excel might be the easiest to use here (very unfortunately).