External Forms

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External Forms


We have a company that build our CMS web pages as part of the database/catalog they are building for our online parts catalog. They have built in a form that pops up whenever someone downloads any documents from our site and then it goes directly to the download. They originally built/used an API that would have put that lead info into SFDC. However, we switched to Sugar and didn't use that.

Neither I nor anyone at my company speaks "web design/html" and I need the company to link our existing form to Marketo so that the lead info can go directly to Marketo and we cab use the tracking function of the Munckin code.


1) Do I just need to send them the SOAP API document to achieve this?

2) Do I have to change the existing form to a Marketo form?

3) Is there something more that I need to know to instruct them how to accomplish this?


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Re: External Forms

Hi Sarah-
The SOAP api document should be enough for someone who understands scripting like javascript, php, etc. in my experience.

Your web designer can embed a Marketo form onto the web property (like in an iFrame) or they could build something that just passes the information from the CMS form to Marketo.

Depending on choices made, you may have to alter the smart campaign criteria by which it fires/triggers off of.  

Hope this helps!
Not applicable

Re: External Forms

Thanks, Brigid!
Level 10

Re: External Forms

If you are not doing any other actions apart from updating Marketo - suggest you use a marketo form and embed into the page. https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000KyqgCAC

lternately, you can use either one of the forms i.e. CMS or Marketo as the primary and use AJAX to submit to the other form in parallel. 

SOAP API maybe too much to use for this.
Level 10

Re: External Forms

The most common way to implement this type of integration is to do an HTTP post, see this article for details: 