Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

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Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

I have created a list of leads from one of our recent tradeshows. One of the fields I want included in this list is "SFDC Campaigns". It includes the list in the Marketo list, however, when i export the list into Excel, that field isn't included in the list. Is there a reason why it's leaving this field out? I need it in the excel spreadsheet so I can see what other campaigns these leads have been members in. Any help would be great.
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Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

I believe that Marketo adds these to the far right column in the exported spreadsheet, regardless of their position in the list view - is it in the far right column on your exported list?.  I exported a view with the SFDC Campaign field and the column was in the exported file.
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Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

Nope, its no where in the list. Its weird
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Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

I created a smart list and pulled in the SFDC campaign field, exported the list into  excel, and now that field shows up! Thank you for your help!
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Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

Were you using the same list view?  Is it possible that you exported a view without the SFDC Campaign column in it?
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Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

i had gone into my static list, edited the view to include "SFDC Campaign", exported the list, but that field wasn't showing up in the export.

so instead, i just created a smart list pulling in the same leads from my static list, then included the "SFDC campaign" field, exported it, and for some reason this time it showed up in the export
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Re: Exported List Not Showing SFDC Campaigns

Ah, thanks!  I went to my static lists to test this and discovered that some of my views are failing in static, but not smart lists.  So it's possible that some change has been made to views by Marketo that negatively impacts static lists.  I was able to add the SFDC Campaign field to a view and export it successfully from a static list however.  I'll open up a case for this with tech support.

Glad you were able to get your data out.