Expire Smart Campaigns

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Expire Smart Campaigns

It would be really useful if we could set a date to expire smart campaigns.  As it stands now, we have to manually do this, which is inefficient and prone to error.  Is this possible or any chance this is coming in a future update?
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Level 10

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

This is something that's available in engagement programs, so it sounds like it would be possible for smart campaigns as well. I'd vote up the idea 🙂
Not applicable

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

If it's a batch send you can set your campaign to run on a schedule and or end on a certain date. I do this for progression status campaigns to catch people who may be late on opening emails and clicking. 

You are limited to daily weekly monthly though...

This is all done through schedule recurrence.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

Allison -

Marketo automatically does an idle trigger cleanup on a quarterly basis and deactivates smart campaigns that no leads have qualified for in over six months. You can learn more about this here

There is an idea on the community to allow for Marketo users to set an expiration date for smart campaigns, you can vote on in here.
Not applicable

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

What Val said. They go inactive after 6 months preventing you the need to deal with it at all.
Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

gotta love bringing old posts back to life...

I'm wondering if there's actually a way to PREVENT the 6-month inactive process? While generally useful in monitoring batch campaigns, I have some assets on my website that could still get traffic, but I come to find that the smart campaign has deactivated after 6 months. Yes, I get that it was deactivated because no one saw it, but we're promoting more and more lately and I missed a couple through the cracks. Anyway to prevent it without setting reminders to check every 6 months?

Level 10

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

I think just voting on this idea...  

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns

ah yes - that's it, exactly. thanks again Dory!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Expire Smart Campaigns