Executable Campaign

Level 1

Executable Campaign

Does all program custom tokens will inherit to executable campaign if we choose 'Use Parent Campaign Token' as Yes?


I have used two flow step in the executable campaign as follows:

Change score  - {{my. program score}}

change data value  - attribute (campaign code) - {{my.campaign code}}


But I only see Change score update as per parent program token value, but change data value won't do any action.

I even tried a separate Executable campaign with mere Change data value flow step with above token, but I can see parent campaign result tab with campaign run details, but Executable campaign result shows null, data not updated in person record.


Can anyone help me what went wrong?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Executable Campaign

Let’s step back for a moment. Does this exact flow step work in a non-executable Smart Campaign run entirely within a single program (i.e. where the SC and the tokens are both local)?