Yea, the more I've looked into it, the more I realise it was wrong of me to be that granular. This isn't the way you'd derive that type of data, so I instead have reduced it to only Pre-Member, Sent, Open, Click.
I do have a question, because I've now tried to test this out a bit more. I'm working on a 3 program single stream logic. So I want to be sure that you can't be in the other programs if you've moved from early to mid to late. But the only thing I can see is to pause people. So I turned the program off & ran my members campaigns to add people to the various campaigns it also paused them in the other campaigns, which is only possible if you are a member, so it added everyone to every program. I think that's likely to be a common problem as people who don't have multiple streams seek to move people from program to program. You don't want to remove them from the program, i understand, but you don't want to inadvertently add people to programs they aren't participating in either.
So what do people think about the best way to deal with this idea is? I think probably using IF "Was added to Engagement program" might work.

But because I just accidentally added everyone to every program is this idea now shot for me because they will have always been added?