Re: Everything about the Engagement Module / Nurturing Tracks

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Re: Everything about the Engagement Module / Nurturing Tracks

Adam, we do have a Telemarketing channel that does exactly what you are suggesting (e.g. send email 7, opened email 5, clicked email 6, call 5, etc.), so our telemarketers can easily see where the lead is in the program as well as having status changes made by the sales team trigger sending the next email in the series.  The nurturing programs are more of a mass media, so we don't use as granular program statuses, but these give us a good sense of whether the program is getting responses in a given period.  I'm hoping that we can get even more insight from the Engagement Module for these nurture campaigns without the overhead of setting up dozens of smart campaigns to change program status values.

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Re: Everything about the Engagement Module / Nurturing Tracks

@Adam from what I can tell, the engagement program is best thought of as the Traffic Cop itself: use it to add members to different email programs and see the whole design in one page.  In this model, the current progression statuses make sense, because your email program can provide the detailed statuses for each email, and additional streams can be activated by listening for engagement on specific emails, programs, or overall lead score changes.
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Re: Everything about the Engagement Module / Nurturing Tracks

Yea, the more I've looked into it, the more I realise it was wrong of me to be that granular. This isn't the way you'd derive that type of data, so I instead have reduced it to only Pre-Member, Sent, Open, Click.

I do have a question, because I've now tried to test this out a bit more. I'm working on a 3 program single stream logic. So I want to be sure that you can't be in the other programs if you've moved from early to mid to late. But the only thing I can see is to pause people. So I turned the program off & ran my members campaigns to add people to the various campaigns it also paused them in the other campaigns, which is only possible if you are a member, so it added everyone to every program. I think that's likely to be a common problem as people who don't have multiple streams seek to move people from program to program. You don't want to remove them from the program, i understand, but you don't want to inadvertently add people to programs they aren't participating in either.

So what do people think about the best way to deal with this idea is? I think probably using IF "Was added to Engagement program" might work.


But because I just accidentally added everyone to every program is this idea now shot for me because they will have always been added?
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Re: Everything about the Engagement Module / Nurturing Tracks

So I was considering having my cadence be weekly, and choosing multiple days in the week. Then creating a triggered smart campaign, was delivered email --> cadence paused / wait 8 days / cadence normal.

What do you think about that? Would prevent emails from always going on the same day, and allow a bit of randomness. But most importantly, it would allow for multiple casts per week where we weren't hitting a sinle company with every email address at once, i suspect better for deliverability.
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Re: Everything about the Engagement Module / Nurturing Tracks

Hmmm, hmmm. As per usual, a great idea, Adam! Complicated, but great. Once you get the ball rolling, definitely let us know how this works for you.

My organization sends emails every other week. But something similar might be nice for us so that we can share the marketing love across a couple days instead of giving it all to Tuesday. I agree that it might improve deliverability and it also evens out the workload. You get a smaller portion of data every week or a couple times a week rather than a lump sum once or twice a month (in our case), which would also help you spot trends rather than just changes.