Errors in CSV list upload

Not applicable

Errors in CSV list upload

I uploaded a CSV list, and some of the telephone numbers got incorrectly matched to the wrong leads. Has this happened before to anyone?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Errors in CSV list upload

Was the list properly lined up in the CSV? Did the list overwrite existing phone #?

You can just go back to the list and create two columns:

Email | Phone and then overwrite the problems.
Not applicable

Re: Errors in CSV list upload

These were all new contacts so there was nothing to overwrite, and I'm pretty sure it was properly lined up in the CSV. I just converted it from an excel - is there a trick or procedure I need to do to make that work?
Not applicable

Re: Errors in CSV list upload


Were there blank rows or columns in your Excel file? I know having those can throw Marketo off during an upload.