Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule

Level 1

Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule

Hi there,

I've got an error when saving the e-mail template.

Hereby the HTML code

<div class="mktoModule" mktoname="Banner Module" id="HeaderBannerModule">

<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 100%; max-width: 600px" >


<td width="35"> </td>

<td style="padding: 15px 0;box-sizing: border-box;">

<a href="${bannerImageLink}" target="_blank">

<img src="${bannerImageSRC}" id="mainBannerImg" class="mktoImg" mktoname="Main Banner Image" mktolockimgsize="true" style="width: 100%; max-width: 525px;">



<td width="5%"> </td>




What could it be?

Level 10

Re: Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule

The rest of the code is missing and might be causing the issue. Especially the container around the module.


Level 1

Re: Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your reply. Can you give an example of the container around the module?

It's right that this is a 'snap' of the whole template.

Level 10

Re: Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule

Level 1

Re: Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule

Thanx, i added the container, and still got some errors, but I think I will find out.

Maybe you can help me with:

- Put the container on a <td>, and put the module on the <tables> inside.

Is that right?

Level 2

Re: Error when saving e-mail template: Invalid Module: #HeaderBannerModule


I looked at my templates for reference and noticed a couple of variable missing that may help:

  • mktoAddByDefault
  • mktoActive

Here's a sample from my template.  Not sure if the variables are required but they add nice functionality to the template so worth a shot.

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" class="mktoModule" mktoname="Hero w/ CTA" id="HeroCTA" mktoAddByDefault="false" mktoActive="true" >