Hashtag, the spider, just wanted to be
A rock star in Marketo's community.
But poor, spooky Hashtag didn't know a thing
About automating Social Marketing.
So he headed straight to Marketo's website
And then began reading well into the night.
"What awesome resources!" thought Hashtag aloud.
"The mommas of these writers sure must be proud!"
He wanted to thank the authors face to face.
"But where can I find all of them in one place?"
And then it hit Hashtag, it became so clear:
He'd have to attend the Summit next year!
But simply attending it would not suffice!
He wanted to follow Marketo's advice.
To show that he's one mean marketing machine,
He tweeted out "#mktgnation15."
"But you are a SPIDER!" scoffed friends that he told.
"Your presence will be far too frightening, too bold."
He wondered how he could cause so many fears
From just wanting respect from his marketing peers!
So please, show dear Hashtag that he's welcome at
The Marketo Summit, and that will be that!
Click "Like" on his picture - he'd love if you tried -
And help Hashtag get Marketo Certified!