I just turned on my first Engagement Program - I added a number of net new names to my first stream this morning at about 9:00AM, with the stream cadence set to 11AM. 11AM rolls around, and no leads were cast.
Can someone help me figure out why no leads were cast?
I'm thinking potential issues are as follows:
- I manually added the list of names to the stream, but did not set cadence to Normal - I assumed that merely adding the names to the program and the stream would suffice. Is this incorrect?
- I have 3 streams in the program that are designed to reflect 3 different types of job title/job description, but only have content for the first stream in place (I left the other 2 streams because I intend to populate them shortly) - I deleted the transition rules between streams to ensure no leads transitioned to a stream with no content. Is it because the transition rules were not finalized that this didn't work?
In any effect, I changed my cadence to hit this afternoon at 1PM, set the cadence for all leads to normal, and added some transition rules that no lead would qualify for between streams for now. I just wanted to see if anyone could figure out what was going on here.