Re: Engagement Programs and Wait Steps

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Engagement Programs and Wait Steps


I would like members of my engagement program to receive an email every 2 weeks (stream cadence, 2 weeks, got it). However if a cast went out today, a new person who joins the EP tomorrow would have to wait until July 1 to get their first email. Yuck!

If I add a Program 1 to an EP and it includes a wait step...will the lead move to Program 2 in the EP even if they are in the Program 1 wait step? Or could I essentially use wait steps to create the cadence I actually want?
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Re: Engagement Programs and Wait Steps

You can use Programs to create the cadence you want, but the lead will continue through the programs in the EP based on the cadence, not based on whether they completed the flow in the previous program.

Another option is that you add the first email to the program that adds the leads to EP.  so the flow would be 1) Add to engagement program, 2) Send email.  Then they would pick up on the next cadence but keep in mind that might be 2 weeks or 1 day, depending on when they get added.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Engagement Programs and Wait Steps

Thanks for sharing Cheryl. Unfortunately I don't think that really solves my issue. I hope the cadence/frequency functions improve soon.
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Re: Engagement Programs and Wait Steps

You should make a feeder program that feeds the engagement program the day before a new cast.  If someone enters the feeder program the day after a new cast, they will stay in the feeder program and receive content there until they are ready to enter the engagement program at a good time.

Unfortunately, this feeder program's logic may get a little complex since you need to handle sending content while being aware of the engagement program's casts.  I can see using something like a custom wait step with a date token in the feeder program to decide.

If I get a chance, I'll build out what I am thinking and post it here.