Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Level 8

Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

So I'm kind of stumped right now.

We just had an email from an Engagement Program go out. However, instead of moving onto the next email in the stream, it jumped back to the beginning and sent the first email out again.

I thought Engagement Programs prevented content from being sent out twice? Also, why would the stream jump from the next email back to the top?

The emails are nested under a program, with a smart campaign called "add to engagement" which has a flow to send out the particular email. Is it possible that the smart campaign over-rode the engagement program? Even so, the smart campaign flow is set so each lead can only run through it once.

Just trying to get some help here - super confused and a little worried too, as the first email is an "introductory" email and now it seems like 7,000 plus leads just got sent the intro email again after already being 8 emails deep into our nurture campaign.

Level 10

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Hi Malik,

The way Marketo knows that it has sent a email within a program is not by the email itself but through program membership.

So your "add to engagement" smart campaign should add the leads to the program.

BTW "add to engagement" is a little confusing to me. I would rather called thsi SC "send nurturing email"


Level 8

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Thanks, still not sure why the email was sent out twice though. I thought engagement programs were built in a way so that the same email can't be sent to a lead more than once.

Additionally, I don't understand why some leads moved from email 8 to 9, while some leads went from email 8 to 1.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

To build on what Greg says, it's important to move leads - that are sent emails from embedded programs within an engagement program - into a defined program status in that program (since the only membership is at the ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM level at the get-go).  As part of the 'email-send' smart campaign, we use a "touched-delivered" program status to create program membership at the embedded program level:


Level 10

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Hi again Dan,

Instead of waiting 1 day to test the "was delivered", why don't you use a separate trigger campaign with an "email is delivered" trigger (and a member of smart campaign filter if necessary) ?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

For program simplicity.  We have 1,600+ programs in our instance, so the simpler we can make our program templates, the better.

Level 8

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Thanks Dan Stevens​ - what do you have in your Smart List?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Just the "member of EP" filter:


Level 8

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

Dan Stevens​ Thanks.

So in the Flow, the Member Status being changed is for the individual Program and not the Engagement Program, correct?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program Sending Same Content Out Twice

that's correct - and important to call out.  In fact, we don't even change program status at the EP level since that would be double counting when we run our reports in RCE ("program membership analysis" is our primary report).