Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

Level 4

Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

Last week we set up an engagement stream and added members. The first cast ran and the members recieved email #1. There is a list of new leads I want to enter into the engagment program but I want them to be caught up so they recieve the same email our first batch of leads will get during the next cast. 

If I add the new leads to the stream now and run a batch capmaign to send them email #1; I am correct in saying that they will recieve email #2 during the next cast with the rest of the members and will not be resent email #1?
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Re: Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

As long as you send them the same email (email ID) as the email #1 used in the stream, I would think they would receive email #2 in the next cast (since they will have already received email #1).
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

No, that is not correct.

If the email is NOT in the Stream, the Engagement doesn't know anything about the email or whether it was sent to a group.

The better way would be to do this:

Add a Stream with Email 1 and Add Group 2 to this Stream. Set the Cadence to go out whenever you want it to.
Then have a trigger campaign that says, "When Email 1 in Stream 2 is Sent, move Group 2 to Stream 1"

Before you do this, DEACTIVATE Email 1 in Stream 1 to force Cast 2 to send to all leads in the Stream.

There's another way to do this, but it's the same result.
Level 4

Re: Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

The email I want to send is in the Stream, I just want the new Leads to be caught up for the next cast.

So I first added the new list to Stream 1..now if I run a batch campaign to send them Email 1 (this email is in stream 1), when the next cast is run they should recieve email 2?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

That's not going to work. The email has to be in the Stream for it to know this.

I'd just send them Email 1 separately and then deactivate Email 1 before I add Group 2 to Stream 1.
Level 3

Re: Engagement Program - Same Email Twice

Allison is correct here. I just did a test of two nurture programs. They each contained the same email (unique ID). The first was set to cast at 4PM. The second was set to cast at 4:05PM.

The first nurture program sent the email at 4PM, then marked the lead as exhausted.

The second nurture program did not send the email but marked the lead as exhausted at 4:05PM

Summary: If the same unique email is a part of two different nurture campaigns, any given lead will only receive the email once.